Saturday 29 November 2014



Since the world view is incredibly diverse and communications come in such a wide variety of forms, it is important to know many appropriate and helpful interpersonal skills. The ever-growing need for good communication skills in English has created huge demand for English teaching around the world. Millions of people today want to improve their command of English or to ensure that their children achieve a good command of English. And opportunities to learn English are provided in many different ways such as through formal instruction, travel, and study abroad, as well as through the media and the Internet. The worldwide demand for English has created an enormous demand for quality language teaching and language teaching materials and resources. Learners set themselves demanding goals. They want to be able to master English to a high level of accuracy and fluency. Employers, too, insist that their employees have good English language skills, and fluency in English is a prerequisite for success and advancement in many fields of employment in today’s world.

 Having effective communication is imperative to success. Positive communication will certainly increase the opportunities in one’s career and business. Having good communication skill will enable a person to get ahead of certain areas where others who are less assertive may not succeed. So eyes should be kept on a few things while practicing the fine art of communication. They are: body language, speech and attentiveness, communication consistency, patience and practicing effective communicative skill.

It is important to know that one should not shy away from the person one is talking to. One should be sure to maintain a relaxed but not a slouching posture, regardless whether one is speaking or listening. The other thing is that one should ensure the communicating body with attentiveness to the conversation which includes eye contacts nodding occasionally to acknowledge a strong point in conversation, standing with the hand clasped not crossing, not displaying nervous tricks such as wringing, picking nails or anything that the person communicating with will view as a distraction from the conversation. When speaking, one needs to be clear and concise. The speaking should be the important matter communicated directly and time must not be wasted with long drawn out stones that would cause the listener’s mind to wonder. It must be asked in between whether the audience understands and be willing for further explanation of any of the speaker’s point. The listener must not be allowed just to know even the matter is crystal clear in the speaker’s mind. One of the most important aspects of verbal communication is the ability to practice active listening. This is not just actively waiting to talk rather mental notes of key points always be and when someone is speaking to the speaker. When response to the most vital issues being dealt with, when others are speaking, the speaker should try to think about the exact words.

Communication consistency is one of the major problems during communication. The weakness may be in the quality with which the speaker is communicating. The communication may seem to be have dwindled to superficial small talks. Great communication practice creates the ability of consistent communication by remaining available to it. So one should not be afraid to e the speaker who voices any concern or difficulties .The speaker should ensure that he is practicing open and honest communication with those who are dependent upon. So one’s ability and boldness is required very much. The communication lines should be left open to those who may need to address problems to the speaker.

During communication, the audience is to be given time to communicate their views. Remaining focused on what they are trying to communicate will show that the speaker intends to assist their issues. Many of people’s communication lines tend to breakdown on the side where impatience is in a rush to get out of the conversation. Since one cannot control the other side, the speaker should do a favor and take a breath in the conversation,

When someone communicates a need or an issue to the speaker the main priority of the speaker should be to aid him or her in repairing the problem. Following up an issue is the only way to convince others when the speaker needs to communicate. Practicing strong follow-up will also leave the strong impression that the speaker is involved in the bigger picture. When people see this commitment, they will know that the speaker is open to future communication .this creates a logical and discerning surrounding that cultivates positive movement and communication. This will create strong surge of confidence in the listener who is communicated.

Review of literature
Here an attempt has been made to review the related studies conducted in the field. The review is not exhaustive.
 There are many researches that are  aware of these problems and do researches on them. A research study about exploring foreign students’ lack of speaking and writing skills in English, which is titled “Dimensions of Difficulties Mainland Chinese Students Encounter in the United States” examined the difficulties Mainland Chinese students encountered in the process of adjusting to American culture (Sun & Chen, 1997). In this qualitative research a questionnaire containing 13 open-ended questions was used to collect information about 10 Mainland Chinese students who enrolled in a mid-size public university and their adjustment process for three months. End of the research, there were three dimensions of difficulties subjects: (1) lack of language proficiency, (2) a deficiency in cultural awareness and (3) academic achievements. So, the relevant conclusions from this study demonstrate that international students have problems related to culture shock and to language in spite of high TOEFL & GRE scores. And further studies, Sun and Chen would like to research on these three dimensions more deeply and try to find some solutions for them (1997). Another researcher, who studies on  EFL students language problems, points out in his research about  students language problems, especially in listening part. According to his findings, these students` listening problem occurs with the possible difference in discourse patterns between English  (Yang, 2007).Besides difficulty in listening skill, as Alderson(2000) points out L2 (second or foreign language)students have more problems in reading skill than L1 students. L2 reading could be somewhat slower and less successful than L1 reading, because of the levels of readers’ proficiency, types of text, text difficulty and task demands. Moreover, Chikamatsu(2003) in his study point outs that some students might not have been skillful typists especially who use logo graphic languages ,which have input processes different from those of English and other Indo-European languages, computer use by second language learners is relatively uncommon and its impact on writing is uncertain. Another research study which is titled “Culture Shock in the Basic Communication Course: examined foreign students from one cultural background, in the American basic speech class to discover which areas they find most difficult and to discover those norms and values that cause these difficulties (Yook, 1995). Malaysian students were chosen as the focus of the study because Asian students comprise more than half ofthe total foreign student population (56%), and Malaysians constitute one of the largest groups among the Asian student groups. Qualitative- Ethnography was chosen as the study's principal approach to answer the research question: “What are the most prominent areas of difficulty forth Malaysian student in the American speech class, and what underlying causes of these difficulties are?” A total of 11 interviews were carried out with 2 major groups. According to the research students have at least three main handicaps in a speech class: (1) they have a language barrier; (2) they come from a culture in which gesturing and speaking loudly are frowned upon; and (3) they have had no experience in their own countries speaking publicly. Also, reasons of difficulties with eye contact for female students are  discussed. Interviews also led to suggestions about how to help Malaysian students in speech classes. For example, schools could offer remedial classes in English; instructors could coach students individually, and take their disadvantages into account when evaluating them. In addition to the Malaysian and Chinese students problems, there is a quantitative research which is titled “Adjustment Issues of Turkish College Students Studying in the United States” by Poyrazli (2001), tries to find answers these research questions: (1) What are the relations between demographic variables and the adjustment level of  college students in the U.S.? and (2)What is the internal reliability and the relation between the ISAS and its subscales? 79  undergraduate and graduate students in the United States participated in the study. Two instruments were used in the study to collect data: the Demographic Questionnaire which is about several variables such as age, gender, socio-economic status, years spent in the United States, and English language proficiency level and the Inventory of Student Adjustment Strain which helps measure the stresses and adjustment strains that are experienced by. The results of the research showed that the students who had better writing-reading proficiency in English, also reported having less adjustment issues. Usually, the primary goal of the students is to finish their education successfully. Being academically successful, however, usually requires good writing and reading skills. The students who possess poor writing and reading skills may have a hard time dealing with their classes and this may lead to more stress and more adjustment problems. The older students may be having more adjustment problems because their values, customs, and interests may have been set and that they may have a hard time changing them (Poyrazli, 2001).
Objectives of the study
The main objectives of the study are
1. to examine the effective English language communication skill and its implementation program.

2. to examine the speech and attentiveness in communication

3. to examine the communication consistency in English language communication

4.  to examine the patience and practicing effective communicative skill.

5. .  to examine the body language during effective communication.

Justification of taking this research project:
The reason to take up this project is that it is a language with high potentiality and mingles with other language very easily. Education in more developed in English speaking regions and it integrates the whole world as it is internationally  used as the International language. English words intervene as a symbol integrating two regions so trying to bridge the gap between regional disparities. Further the dominating status and commanding tone of the language is a matter of common appreciation. We cannot ignore the common mind set in India that only an English speaking man is a polished gentle man. It is going to be the digital language and the literature of the coming world is going to be digital literature that this flexible language can do. Therefore investigation is needed with the end in view and the study is entitled as “EFFECTIVE ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE SKILL: AN IMPARATIVE TO SUCCESS IN THE MODERN WORLD.”

Survey research method is followed for conducting the study. Secondary data is collected from the Education department Govt of Kerala and Odisha concerned district and block offices. Fieldwork is conducted by generating primary data.
a.  Universe of the study
For the purpose of the study, colleges of five districts in Odisha state are selected. These are Cuttack ,Dhenkanal ,Nuapada,Sambalpur and Balasore.In each districts there are 100 centres and 100instructors.Twenty five instructors are selected from each district ,so the total comes to 125.
b. Tools for collecting data
A questionnaire was prepared. Important items which are relevant to the implementation of the program me were included in the questionnaire .The socio – economic profile of the instructors, educational qualifications of the instructors, educational qualifications of the learners, their training, infra-structure available in the study centre, incentives for instructors and learners, role of local support, supervision and the impact of the program were covered in the questionnaire.
The questionnaire prepared with the inclusion of the above mentioned items was pre-tested among 100 +2 students in a nearby institution. After pre-testing, it was administered among 125 instructors. 75 percent responded to the questionnaire.
Analysis of data
Analysis of the data was conducted item-wise. Items which are related to the implementation of effective English communication skill program were analyzed .The qualitative level of the instructors was analyzed the first parameter influencing effective communicative skill program. in the educational level of the instructors, additional qualification, previous experience of the instructors were studied .72.24% of the sample possessed the minimum requirement to conduct the program .21.73%posesses higher qualifications. In addition to the basic qualification, instructors in certain centers possesses technical qualifications in various skills like computer programming, internet, proper articulation of speech organs typing ,and stenography.35.71% of the instructors possessed functional skills. In the qualitative level, yet another factor taken to study was the previous experience in the field and the study showed that 69.27% possesses experience in  conducting teaching effective communicative skill program.
Another important factor analyzed in the qualitative level of instructors was the training received by the instructors. Adequacy of training in relation to the needs of effective communicative skill program has been analyzed and the result shows that 89.05 % of the instructors opined the training is adequate.
The second factor influencing the program implementation is the facility like language lab at the study centre.76.21% respondents opined that the facilities available at the study centre are not adequate. In 73.16% cases the instructors opined  the agency conducting the program had taken proper care to distribute study materials in time. Another factor examined in this parameter is the leaeners regarding study materials and found that 92.74 %were satisfied with the study materials.
The third factor studied in relation to the implementation of the program is the satisfaction regarding the incentives of the instructors .76.97% held that the monthly allowance was not satisfactory.
For implementation of the program like effective English communication skill participation of the people of the locality is essential. All the agencies conducting effective communicative skill program insisted on the constitution of local committees. It was observed that local committees are functioning in 87.47cases.These committees provide necessary help to the program centers for its implementation. Study of the working of the local committees show that their influence is mainly in three ways-mobilizing the public support, encouraging the learners and acting as mediator in cases of disputes.
Another factor examined in the study is the visit of the district level instructors to different blocks of the districts. Actually the block level officials have to monitor the program. In addition to the block level instructors, one district level resource person for every 10 program centre was engaged.76.94%of the block level officials opined that the district level officials are regular in their visit to inquire about the problems in  teaching and learning effective English communication skill
The objective of the program is to achieve functional skills of English language communication to create an awareness among the students about the essential requirement of English language communication in the modern world. One aspect studied was the attitude the communication in English language in everyday life and after the completion of the program90.46% instructors observed specific changes in the attitude of the learners towards English language communication skills. After the completion of the program, majority of the learners were aware of the various development schemes implemented by the government .80.35%of the learners were aware of it .Only 19.65% of the learners were unaware of it which was studied by taking their perception relating to the language, their minimum qualification, their social and cultural background, education of their parents and the family they belong to. It has been revealed that 73.28% of the learners were aware of essentiality of the communication in English language ,86.45% were with minimum qualification knowing the minimums of the language, 64.29% were of a sound social and cultural background ,69.82% learners belonged to educated families.
One objective of the study is to examine qualitative level of the instructors in relation to the implementation of the program. It is observed that one factor for the successful implementation of effective English language communication skills program is the qualitative achievement of the instructor in terms of educational qualification, previous experience in teaching communicative skills of English and their training.
First of all only experienced and trained instructors can persuade the literates to come to the functional skills of English language communication program to attend the classes . imparting functional needs skilled and experienced hands.
Second significant finding is the adequacy of facilities. Majority of the instructors held that the centers were equipped with the required facilities .The implementing agency i:e the education department has taken proper attention for the distribution of study materials in time..The learners are also satisfied with the adequate facilities available with the study center. So adequacy of facilities is another factor which influenced the success of the program.
Thirdly, the study examined the extent of participation of the people in the implementation of the program. In majority of the centers the local committees were functioning .The manner in which the local committees were helped to motivate the students and to encourage them to attain the classes was appreciated by the instructors. This kind of participation of the students has been achieved due to the high level of literacy existing in the states like Kerala and Odisha and their career consciousness among the students.
The study reveals that though in majority of the centers the agency could distribute study materials in time, delay in the matter occurred In 29.37% cases .this is due to the lack of proper conveyance facilities with the agencies. Some centers were working in the remote areas where transportation also is a problem. One solution for this problem is to have a liaison with the stat transport department so that the materials could be distributed with the help of the buses run by the State Transport Corporation.
Another relevant matter regarding the incentive of the instructors of the program centers is that the instructors were not appointed on a permanent basis .They were recruited by the implementing agency for a period of one year, with an allowance of Rs1000/-per month. for 71.825of the instructors it was not satisfactory. As a matter of fact they deserve higher monthly allowances which is a policy matter to be taken of by the Government. Another solution to the problem is to give them more inducements /rewards. It should include weight age/preference for the selection of public services. This will also attract qualified and efficient young people to the field.
It is also observed that local committees are not functioning in certain areas. in places they are functioning , they have produced positive results. One factor for the absence of the committees the lack of awareness regarding the factor of people’s participation in the program. This problem can be solved by the Education Department of the concerned States in inculcating awareness among the members of the village committees so that they can take initiative in this respect.
Concluding observations
By practicing it, one will find to understand more of what people say .the co-workers and friends will have confidence to come when they find themselves in need in communication skill and should not give up one day even as the ability to express will develop everyday as long as one applies oneself in improving his communicative skills.Furthermore,in order to suppliment the skill of communication English syllabus should be modified into two parts as theory (70)marks and viva voce (30) marks so as to make the students practical in English language communication skill.

Notes and References
1.Gilbert, Judy B. Clear Speech from the start: Basic Pronunciation andlistening comprehension in North American English. New York:Cambridge University Press, 2000.

2.Gilbert, Judy B. Clear Speech from the start: Pronunciation and listeningcomprehension in North American English. 2nd Ed. New  York: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1993.

3.Grant, Linda. Well Said Intro: Pronunciation for Clear Communication.Boston: Thomson Heinle, 2007.

4.Pogrund, Phyllis, and Rosemary Grebel. Contemporary’s Make Your Markin the Hotel Industry. Lincolnwood, IL : McGraHill/Contemporary,

5.Pogrund, Phyllis, and Rosemary Grebel. Contemporary’s Make Your Markin Food Service. Lincolnwood, IL : Contemporary Books, 1997.

6.Saslow, Joan. Workplace Plus: Living and Working in English 2. WhitePlains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2002.

7.Tillet, Bruce, and Mary Newton Bruder. Speaking Naturally:
Communication Skills in American English. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2002.

8.Sales and Service Voluntary Partnership, Inc. Customer Service and
Sales Skills Standards. Washington, D.C. : Sales and Service Voluntary
Partnership, Inc., 2002.

9.Saslow, Joan, and Tim Collins. Workplace Plus: Living and Working inEnglish: Hospitality Job Pack. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.,2003.

10Smith, Jeanne H., and Harry Ringel. The Working Experience 3.
Syracuse: New Readers Press, 1991.

11Speaking out on work. New York: Literacy Volunteers of New York City,1991.

12.Weinstein, Nina. Whaddaya Say? Guided Practice in Relaxed Speech. 2nd

13.10 Minute Trainer: Guest Services. Videocassete, American Hotel andLodging Educational Institute, 1992.

14.10 Minute Trainer: Housekeeping. Videocassete, American Hotel and
Lodging Educational Institute, 1991.

14Basic Basic Telephone Skills 2.0. DVD, Telephone Doctor Customer
Service Training, 1995.

Dr Sudhansu Kumar Dash
Lecturer in English
Shreedhara Swamy College of Education and Technology


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