Developing English Language Speaking Confidence: A Case Study
of Pronunciation among students of Odisha
1. Introduction
English is a vehicle for international communication. In order to
meet the demands of modern society, English teachers need to pay more attention
to the development of learners’ competence and focus on a more effective and successful
method. However traditional approaches to English language teaching still
dominate Indian classrooms. Language teachers should not focus on reciting but should
teach from their own understanding of language learning and help learners gain
more competence with confidence.
In the field of English as a Second Language (ESL) the necessity
for, and method of, teaching pronunciation has become a controversial topic.
Many second language educators have varied opinions on the importance of
including pronunciation practice within their lesson plans. Classroom
activities should cater to what their students consider their most important
personal goals or reasons for learning the language. For example, students may
wish to build their vocabulary skills or strengthen their testing skills in
English. Regardless of current trends or what students may feel their selected
needs are, it is safe to say that teaching pronunciation is often considered
essential in an ESL class where survival skills are imperative to the students’
daily lives. In an ESL setting, the students must not only increase their
English comprehension for the classroom, but also need to communicate and interact
in English outside the class in various situations. Students need to understand
and to be understood. If they cannot hear English well, they are cut off from
the language except in printed form. If they cannot be understood easily, they
are cut off from conversation with native speakers. In the English as a foreign
language (EFL) setting, survival skills play a less important role. English is
not necessary for students to communicate with each other. English is not often
used to make friends or to be understood outside of the classroom. It would be
easy, therefore, for the teacher to neglect implementing pronunciation tasks in
their lessons because they feel there is little or no need for the students to
work on that aspect of the language. This attitude denies the students the
opportunity to gain precise command of the English language. The process of learning English is
interconnected. This means that each area of the language that is being taught
helps improve other aspect of the language. Pronunciation and listening
comprehension are linked together by a unified system within which individual
sounds are systematically related. Students need this sense of a system in
order to make sense of the separate pieces. If the students’ English
pronunciation skills are improved, clearly their listening skills and speaking
skills become more refined. Spelling skills are also improved when the
knowledge of English pronunciation has been increased.
Effects of limited knowledge of pronunciation
Research has shown that a command of native or close-to-native
pronunciation of a foreign language is no easy task, especially for learners
who begin studying a foreign language after puberty. Although non-native
pronunciation and intonation are not necessarily obstacles to successful
communication with English speakers from other parts of the world, too much
accented or distorted speech will frequently give rise to misunderstandings,
miscommunication and frustration. Incomprehensible non standard pronunciation and
intonation will produce psychological nervousness in speakers, which is likely
to also block their efforts to seek clarification or to paraphrase using alternative
expressions with phonetically different pronunciation and intonation. All
communication is intentional communication and that understanding is a matter
of interpreting what is intended rather than decoding the referential meaning
of utterances. However, it is obvious that this kind of interpretation should
take the interlocutors’ speech as its basis in face to face spoken interaction.
But meanings are blurred, distorted, or buried when pronunciation is grossly
unclear or inaccurate.
Pronunciation is a key element of the learning of oral skills in a
second language. The role it plays in an English language program varies and
the amount of time and effort devoted to it seems to depend to a large degree
on the individual teacher. This means that it may or may not form part of
regular classroom activity or student self-study. However, students so often
cite pronunciation as being very important and a priority for them. Confidence
influences students to speak out. They will not be afraid of making mistakes or
being blamed. The necessity of confidence in articulation is that when teaching
pronunciation, working through a list of sounds and practice are important.
With regular practice, learners improve their performance and feel confident
2. The Problem
Odisha students tend to use Odia speech patterns or styles when
speaking English. Some will not speak out because they are afraid of making
mistakes and are embarrassed. Pronunciation training and Language Learning
Strategies (LLS) may improve their competence. This study focused on if and how
pronunciation training with LLS increased confidence and improved learners to
become intelligible speakers. Being an intelligible speaker is to understand
and to be understood. As English teaching has moved to language functions and
communicative competencies, a new urgency for the teaching of pronunciation has
arisen. In Odisha however, pronunciation has not yet received similar attention.
The experience of the researcher is that, a great number of students have many
difficulties in pronunciation. When speaking English, with very little or
poorly trained pronunciation skills, they have problems either making
themselves understood or understanding others. A review of the studies of
teacher attitudes and practices revealed that pronunciation is an area that
some teachers avoid or are reluctant to teach. Teaching in ESL programs in
Odisha face some difficulties meeting the pronunciation learning needs of their
students, and have indicated that many teachers tend to avoid dealing with pronunciation
because they lack confidence, skills and knowledge. Into this, these studies
found that curricula, methodology and the lack of suitable materials, all
contributed to inadequacies of teaching and learning in this area, although
both students and teachers see the value of intelligible pronunciation in
second language learning. Generally, pronunciation plays an important role in
helping the learner become an intelligible speaker. There are many obstacles for
teachers on Odisha to teach English including insufficient English language
skills. The researcher learned that college teachers in Odisha seldom teach the
phonetics of English words and few of them are familiar with phonetic symbols.
As for learners, they wish they could speak English fluently but most of them
think that English is too challenging for them to be competent because of
interference from the mother tongue ( Odia) particularly in pronunciation and
being too shy to speak English. Further Odisha students have problems of
listening to dialogues and texts as well as problems of pronunciation. English
curricula in the colleges of Odisha cannot meet the demands for English. The
skills needed most are listening and speaking which have minor focus in Odisha secondary
English books but are not the focus skills in tertiary education English curriculum
.The researcher would like to help Odia students to be confident when speaking English.
3. Literature Review
This reviews of literature studies of the importance of pronunciation
training, awareness raising, positive attitude and motivation that affect
learners’ acquisition, and discusses how language learning strategies help
learners improve their pronunciation in the target language and lead to confidence
in speaking. Discussions of English language learning and teaching are also
presented. O’Malley and Chamot (1990:29) define learning strategies as “special
thoughts or behaviours that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn, or
retain new information” and classify these strategies into three major types:
metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, and
Social/affective strategies. Drawing on the research byO’Malley
and Chamot (1990) and Oxford (1990) enables the researcher to compile almost
comprehensive classification of language learning strategies with six major
categories. The direct strategies consist of memory strategies, cognitive
strategies, and compensation strategies; the indirect category contains
metacognitive strategies, affective language learning strategies, and social
strategies. Oxford (1990b:71) distinguishes between direct LLS, "which
directly involve the subject matter", i.e. the L2 or FL, and indirect LLS,
which "do not directly involve the subject matter itself, but are
essential to language learning nonetheless". One point to note about the learning
strategies is that they “are not the preserve of highly capable individuals,
but could be learned by others who had not discovered them on their own”
(O’Malley & Chamot 1990:31).The argument that learning strategies are
teachable also helps to break the myth that some learners have an aptitude for
languages and thus achieve high language proficiency without too much effort.
This preconceived notion may demotivate under achieving learners so much that
they give up learning and teachers seem not to play a significant part in the
language classroom. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, development in the area
of second language acquisition research turned attention away from a teaching-centered
perspective to one which included interest in how the actions of learners might
affect their acquisition of language. In other words, the belief that individual
learners’ endeavors tend to be a governing factor in the language learning
process gradually formed among a number of scholars (Schmitt1997). Language
teachers, therefore, were motivated to examine what individual learners,
especially successful learners, do in their study in order to elicit useful
information on the process of language acquisition. Rubin (1975) and Stern
(1975) are two of the earliest researchers who shifted their focus from
teaching methods and materials to a more learner-centered aspect, maintaining
that successful language learners employ a variety of learning strategies in
their study to facilitate language acquisition.
4. Objectives
4.1. General objectives.
The study aimed to investigate pronunciation training and language
learning strategies and establish if, how and to what extent those approaches
increase confidence and improve communicative competence of learners.
4.2. Specific objectives
1. To demonstrate the importance of pronunciation training in a
classroom, in order to prompt more teachers to reconsider the relationship
between the student and pronunciation.
2. To investigate the use of a LLS framework, if and how it enhances
the communicative competence, specifically, the learners’ speaking skill.
3. To evaluate the effectiveness of the training, to see if, how
and to what extent the approaches raise the learners’ awareness of their
improvement and confidence in speaking.
5. Methodology
This study is a collaborative action research investigation to
develop pronunciation training and communicative competence for Odisha students
studying English in Odisha. This study investigated pronunciation training and
language learning strategies, how they influenced the learning behavior of
students of Odisha studying English and improved their speaking confidence. The
purpose of the training is to improve students’ pronunciation and spoken
intelligibility. It draws upon data collected in pronunciation training in thirty
two colleges in Odisha using language learning strategies and evaluated
improvement after being trained in developing speaking confidence. The project
contains two cycles, the first of which was to train 32 teachers using
pronunciation training and language learning strategies. This research was
undertaken as action research and focused on two approaches: 1) pronunciation
training and 2) Language Learning Strategies (LLS). Both were used in the
training for participants. There were 32 English teachers and 128 students
selected from teachers’ classes, to establish if, how and to what extent the
approaches increase confidence and improve the communicative competence of
learners. The improvement and confidence gained from those three areas were
recorded through learners’ reports. The pronunciation training was conducted
according to Schmidt’s three aspects of consciousness involved in language learning:
awareness, intention and knowledge and using course outlines The Collins
Cobuild Learner’s Dictionary was used to check the correctness of each word
pronounced in class as well as self directed learning and assessment.
5.1. Structure of the research
The study was undertaken in two cycles to demonstrate the
importance of pronunciation training and language learning strategies that
support learners to achieve their language learning. It covers three areas that
aimed to provide learners with a comprehensive insight into ways of teaching
pronunciation and self directed learning. First, the area of pronunciation:
segmental aspects (the study of sounds), and supra segmental aspects (the study
of stress, rhythm and intonation). Second, the area of language learning
strategies and pronunciation learning strategies which learners used in the classroom
to achieve their goals
5.2. Research questions
The study sought answers to these questions:
1. Does pronunciation training and LLS increase confidence and improve
communicative competence of learners?
2. To what extent does pronunciation training using segmental and supra
segmental aspects and LLS contribute to the improvement of learners’ competence
that help learners to speak confidently, and at what level?
3. What impact does training have on learner confidence and how is
it reported?
6. Findings
The researcher evaluated their improvement in correct speech and
in developing speaking confidence. In the second cycle, these teachers in turn
taught a group of four students each and similar improvements were observed.
The action phases showed the implications of the importance of pronunciation
training in Odisha context and the usefulness of dictionary usage to help
learners to improve their competence and to have more confidence to speak
English. The project resulted in a change of policy by the council to include
pronunciation teaching and to allocate English classes to teachers who
understood that process. The pronunciation learning strategies in this study
and those of other researchers were presented to formulate strategies as a
contribution for teachers to include teaching pronunciation in their classroom
instruction. The researcher intends that the data will be useful for language
teachers to help them further their understanding of their students’ learning
behavior to achieve improved pronunciation. In addition, the phonetic symbol
system used in the training was chiefly inspired from the symbols of the
International Phonetic Association (IPA) to be standardized and easy to apply.
However, the researcher would present here for references some coded symbols
shown in this study which can be used
for readers who are unfamiliar with the IPA alphabet. They are/th/ =/Τ/,
/th/ voiced = /Δ/, /zh/ = /Ζ/,
/j/ = /dΖ/,
/sh/ = /Σ/
and /ch/=/tΣ/.
Levels of English skills of Odia students
English is generally the first foreign language that students must
study in schools. Odisha’s’ level of English proficiency is low in comparison
with many states in India e.g.Karnatak, Kerala, Delhi and Maharastra. The revised proficiency-based curriculum will
provide students with the opportunity to continue their English education
without interruption and to facilitate life-long learning .From studies of the
levels of Odia students’ English ability in speaking and listening between 1972
and 1988 was in Grade 7- 9 was very poor. Students have problems in listening
to dialogues and texts as well as problems of pronunciation. Researchers have also finds that the English
curriculum in the universities of Odisha cannot meet the demands of English
used in the workplace. The skills used most are listening and speaking, which
are not the focus skills in the Odisha tertiary education English curriculum.
6.2. English problem sounds for Odia students
Language is a cognitive skill, which includes productive skills of
writing and speaking and receptive skills of reading and writing as well as
language components, namely vocabulary, structure and phonology the English
sounds which are considered problem sounds for Odisha students can be divided into three categories:
Sounds that do not occur in
Odia: These sounds are /ϖ/ e.g. van, every; /Τ /or
/th/ e.g. thin, breath; /Δ /or /th/ e.g. mother, then;
e.g. zero, nasal; /Σ /or /sh/ e.g. share, notion;
/Ζ / or
/zh/ e.g casual, beige;/tΣ/or /ch/ e.g. future, cherry; /dΖ /or
/j/ e.g. gentle, jelly and /γ/ e.g. gamble, legal. Normally Odia
students cannot pronounce these sounds though
they exist in the odia language
Although some English sounds
exist in odia, they do not occur at the final position in odia and most Odia students
fail to pronounce them when they appear finally in English words .
a. /l/ substituted by /n/
b. /f/ substituted by unreleased /β/
c. /s/ substituted by unreleased /δ/
d. /s/ may be omitted when occurs after diphthongs /ai/ e.g.
nice,/au/ i.e. house, /Οi/ e.g. rejoice. This is because in Odia
there is no consonant sound following these diphthongs.
e. /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, and /k/ are pronounced as unreleased
instead of released sounds because these sounds are pronounced unreleased when
they occur in final position in Odia words.
Sounds that are phonetically different from Odia equivalents: /r/,
/i/,/e/, /u/, and /o/; that is, their production is not the same. The
English/r/ sound can be formed in the ways depending upon different speakers
and dialects. For example, retroflex/r/ is made by moving the sides of the
tongue against the back teeth. The front of the tongue is lowered but the tip
is turned upward and withdrawn towards the back of the mouth, whereas the odia /r/ sound is just a trilled /r/. Tense vowels
such as /i/, /e/, /u/, and /o/ are slight diphthongs; that is, they are
pronounced with a diphthongal quality. The degree of diphthongization is
greatest when these slight diphthongs occur in a stressed syllable. On the
other hand, the Odia vowels of /i/, /e/, /u/, and /o/ do not have this
diphthongal quality. The strategies for overcoming incomprehension are simply
another aspect of the total communication-language learning process. Teachers
need to help learners become aware of strategies they need for effective
communication, whether in making themselves understood, or in understanding
what another speaker has said.
6.3. The researcher’s inspiration
and problem identification
The idea of pronunciation training to improve communicative competence
and confidence of non-native speakers was clearly identified from the
researcher’s experience in pronunciation teaching. The development of the
researcher’s pronunciation teaching and training was as follows. After the
researcher finished his Bachelor’s degree in 1982, the researcher was inspired
to think about the idea of pronunciation training from the BBC in All India
Radio he presented English language in Odia accent as much he knew. He saw that
the other presenters were reluctant, uncomfortable and passed quickly when they
had to speak English words. The researcher wondered why Odia people were afraid
of speaking English. What problems were they having? His interest had focused
on this area since then. The researcher completed Masters Degree in language
learning in 1992 and discovered that confidence increased when speakers
improved articulation and with regular practice they could improve performance
and confidence. .As the researcher of this project, is working in a college he
is responsible for teaching English to the students he is teaching that is
Shreedhara Swamy College of Education and Technology in Dhenkanal District of
Odisha. At the time of this research, the researcher is curious about why
Odisha students kept silent in an English class when they were faced with
foreigners. The researcher served his curiosity by contributing to teaching
English in his institution. The researcher taught a group of students that was
weak in English and helped them in many problem areas of English but his
interest focuses on teaching Odia students to speak phonetically and correctly.
The researcher has a strong intention to develop and improve students’
abilities to speak with both accuracy and fluency and to become intelligible
speakers. He found that they tended to learn English word for word and to memorize
the pronunciation of individual English words. Because they are unable to make
use of phonetic symbols to remember unfamiliar words, they had difficulty
developing extensive vocabularies in English.
6.4. Development from accuracy based to fluency based learning
The researcher continued teaching pronunciation as his first job,
which was in the area of English language teaching. He found that students were
happy to learn about the articulation of sounds and symbols. Students’ reports
were positive though they claimed that they needed more practice and the
researcher agreed that practice was the way to improve. The researcher knows
that he can’t speak as perfect as a native speaker just after one quarter’s
study. It was impossible. The researcher became quite clear it is a long way to
improve English speaking. What is important is that the researcher learned the
ways to improve his pronunciation and realized his weakness, then, could practice
and apply the rules to himself in the future. The reports from the students reflecting
on their achievement inspired the researcher to search for answers and start
the project of pronunciation teaching. They would happily speak English after
the course although they were not fluent. The researcher regularly planned his
lessons from the suggestions of learners, teachers and researchers to develop
an appropriate course for learners. The lessons put more focus on learners’
fluency. The researcher searched from many researchers such as Morley and
Derwing, Munro and Wiebe who state that effective English pronunciation
training should include both ‘segmental’ and ‘suprasegmental’ aspects, that is
sounds, stress and intonation. The terms segmental and suprasegmental aspects
were defined by many researchers such as Morley as ‘micro and macro level ‘and
‘accuracy-based and fluency-based learning’. Therefore the researcher revised
his lesson plan adding suprasegmental aspects and taught his students, and it worked
The realization of the researcher is that only the study of sounds
is not enough. It became better after he added stress and intonation
(suprasegmental aspects).He wanted to know if the same lesson was effective for
other learners. Therefore he used the same pronunciation course to teach
learners in this research study with the goal of achieving understandability or
intelligibility. It is felt that
pronunciation is tied to identity and therefore the degree to which the learner
seeks to identify with the English speaking group will directly influence that
learner’s pronunciation. For better results, the researcher studied other
pronunciation research to find how to make it more effective and found that
within communicative approaches to language teaching, a key goal is for
learners to develop communicative competence in the target language, and
language learning strategies (LLS) can help them to improve their competencies.
The researcher added instruction on language learning strategies to the familiarization
session and found that instruction which focused on general speaking habits as
opposed to a concentration on individual segments has a positive effect on learners
‘abilities and their achievement.
7. Recommendation and
The researcher hopes the study will help bring change in the Odisha
curricula in teaching English and the skills of English teachers will be
focused on teaching pronunciation in class and introducing the strategies to
help students achieve in their learning. It may be suggested that the use of
the dictionary to help learners to self-correct their pronunciation and support
self directed learning. It is hoped that teachers will learn from the study
about the importance of pronunciation and language learning strategies that
support students’ learning, and change their view of teaching.
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